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To offer you effective solutions to relieve pain, feel better, and be able to continue enjoying life.

Manual Osteopath
Kim Sanchez-Aldana, DOMP

Kim is a registered Manual Osteopath in the National Manual Osteopathic Society. His travel to this fascinating area started when he was studying Medicine in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2002), during this time he discovered that one of the principal reasons to visit a doctor was back pain and the treatment generally consisted of prescribed medication for reduction of pain; however, this did not treat or address what was actually causing the pain. He noticed this same scenario with many other conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. This predominant treatment method led him to search for other solutions. He studied Massage and Chiropractic Techniques in Palmer School (2003). Kim started his professional practice, and also teaching courses in his field in 2003. Although this approach offered greater focus on the cause of the pain, he felt it was limited to treating only the specific problem area rather than viewing the pain from a holistic (whole body) approach. He felt strongly that the patient was a Bio-Psycho-Social person; that ailments in the mind (psycho), society (social), and body (bio) can be manifest in other parts of the body. In 2008, he discovered Osteopathy. Osteopathy offered a unique holistic (whole body) approach to health care which satisfied his search for effective treatment methods and he graduated from the International Institute of Chirosteopaty in Mexico. During the following years he studied Physical Rehabilitation (2009) and Acupuncture (2010) in the National Autonomus University of Mexico. These courses allowed him to better treat his growing clientele. Kim immigrated to Canada in 2013, as part of his Canadian accreditation; he graduated in February 2016 as Manual Osteopath from the National Academy of Osteopathy in Toronto. 


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